22 de abril de 2010

Pequeño homenaje a Renee O´Connor

Los buenos actores son , los que consiguen que te creas su rol.
Y Renee O´Connor es una de esas privilegiadas, hace que sientas lo que ella interpreta.

La descubrí en la serie "Xena La Princesa Guerrera", la admiro desde entonces.
No puedo entender que actrices capacitadas y completas, sigan, casi, en el anonimato.
Y por lo que a mi respecta, haré todo lo posible para que no sea así.
No es una actriz de escándalos, por lo cual no es presa de paparazzis.
Pero es una actriz grande, y no creo que pase mucho tiempo sin que se le reconozca.
See The Exclusive Renee Interview!
We’ve told you it was coming... Now, on the site BeyondTheFarthestStar.com is the exclusive Renee O’Connor video interview from the set of the film. Right before shooting one of the largest scenes of the movie, Renee sits down with us onset. She talks about the story, taking on the role of Maurene Wells, working with the cast, the vision of the director and a host of other topics. She opens up about working on the project and why she chose ‘Beyond’. During the interview, never released behind the scene footage of “Beyond The Farthest Star” accompanies her on-camera talk. As you know, Renee O’Connor plays the wife of Adam Wells and faces the breakdown of her family in the story. See her interview NOW on the site. Let us know what you think by leaving us a comment after viewing. See it here!

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